Where planned activities will negatively affect wildlife interests, we provide recommendations for mitigation and BNG (biodiversity net gain) enhancements.
This is particularly important where protected species and habitats are concerned. To avoid unlawful damage to wildlife interests, and comply with the current NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework), our services include:
- Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Ecology surveys
- Hedgerow Regulations surveys
- BS5837 tree surveys
- Mitigation plans and strategies
- Delivery of mitigation plans
- Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
- Watching briefs
- Habitat creation, restoration, and management
- Reptile capture and translocation
- GCN capture and translocation
- Mammal capture and translocation
- Invertebrate capture and translocation
- Exclusion fencing, drift fencing, live trapping
- Bat and bird box installation
- Vegetation and habitat management
- Receptor site selection and negotiation
- Offsetting assistance, calculation and negotiation
- Conservation status assessment and advice
- Ecology reports for planning applications