- 2017 - Reptile survey, reptile capture/translocation, reptile monitoring and vegetation management of footprint of proposed footbridge ramps - Wareham Station, Purbeck District, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of 12 trees (mostly veteran pedunculate oak, Quercus robur), monthly activity transect surveys and static detector surveys, bat call analysis and mitigation recommendations in relation to proposed A338 'Wessex Fields' junction development - Holdenhurst Village, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2016 - Reptile survey and mitigation advice in relation to proposed roundabout works - A35/A350 junction, Upton, Poole, Dorset.
- 2016 - Post-construction reptile monitoring to assess recolonisation of road verges - A338 Blackwater Junction to Ashley Heath Junction, East Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat transect surveys and static detection surveys of area around proposed new junction location - A338 Blackwater, Christchurch, to Cooper Dean, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2016 - GCN Habitat Suitability Index assessment of 36 ponds within 500m of proposed road widening and improvement scheme - A338 Blackwater to Cooper Dean, Christchurch/Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat roost assessment and activity surveys of trees affected by proposed road widening project and new link road to Bournemouth Hospital - A338 Blackwater Junction (Christchurch) to Cooper Dean Roundabout (Bournemouth), Dorset.2017-
- 2016 - Reptile survey of road verges affected by proposed road widening project - A338 Blackwater Junction (Christchurch) to Cooper Dean Roundabout (Bournemouth), Dorset.
- 2016 - Nesting bird survey of road verge vegetation prior to removal, to assist planning of road widening project - A338 Blackwater Junction (Christchurch) to Cooper Dean Roundabout (Bournemouth), Dorset.
- 2016 - Fence repairs on heathland adjacent to the A338 dual carriageway - Week Common, Bisterne Estate, East Dorset.
- 2016 - Felling of one hectare of mature pines as mitigation for A338 roadworks, under Forestry Commission felling licence, in partnership with Bisterne Estate - Week Common, East Dorset District.
- 2015 - Reptile conservation advice in relation to roadworks and their impact-assessment for protected sites in the A338 Spur Road corridor - St Leonards and St Ives Heaths SSSI, Town Common SSSI, Dorset Heaths SAC, Dorset Heathlands SPA, Dorset Heathlands Ramsar.
- 2015 - Forestry Commission felling licence application in relation to heathland and woodland restoration on Bisterne Estate land, as mitigation/compensation for A338 roadworks - Week Common and Week Hill, East Dorset District, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile capture and translocation on land adjacent to Wattons Lane, Matchams/Avon Castle, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile monitoring of de-vegetated verge/soft estate adjacent to Ramsdown, Town Common, Sopley Common, Avon Common, Week Common, Matchams View, Avon Heath - A338 Bournemouth Spur Road, Dorset.
- 2015 - Heathland restoration and sand scrape provision - A338 Blackwater Junction, Week Common, Week Hill, Bostwicks Farm, A338 verges, Avon Common, FC Sopley north, Dorset.
- 2015 - Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) supervision of trial-pitting (by hand and by suction excavator), reptile exclusion fence removal, de-vegetation and other works on road verges, ditches and other soft estate; with Dorset Works Organisation (DWO), Parsons Brinckerhoff, Hanson, Knighton Countryside Management and others - A338 Blackwater Junction to Ashley Heath Junction, Dorset.
- 2015 - Heathland restoration (tree felling, scrub removal) and sand scrape provision (sand lizard egg-laying sites) on Forestry Commission land adjacent to A338 rebuilding project - Fillybrook Bottom, Sopley Common, Avon Common & Ramsdown, Dorset.
- 2015 - Heathland restoration (tree felling, scrub removal) and sand scrape provision (sand lizard egg-laying sites) on land adjacent to A338 rebuilding project - Avon Heath Country Park (DCC), Dorset.
- 2015 - High-level technical advice, project design and development - A338, Dorset.
- 2014 - Heathland restoration (tree felling, scrub removal) as mitigation for reptile impacts of A338 rebuilding project - Sopley Common (DWT), Matchams View (DCC), Avon Heath Country Park (DCC), Dorset.
- 2014 - Sand scrape provision (sand lizard egg-laying sites) as mitigation for impacts of A338 rebuilding project - Sopley Common (DWT), Matchams View (DCC), Dorset.
- 2014 - Landowner and stakeholder liaison (Dorset Wildlife Trust, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Bisterne Estate, Forestry Commission, Lafarge Tarmac, Dorset County Council, Natural England, Scottish and Southern Energy), negotiation of permissions for habitat restoration and enhancement work - various sites along A338 corridor, Dorset.
- 2014 - Sand lizard breeding survey of road verges, ditches and banks - A338, Dorset.
- 2014 - Reptile mitigation strategy and EPS licensing advice relating to A338, Dorset.
- 2013 - Developing method statement and enhancement strategy for proposed road maintenance works - A338 from Blackwater (Hurn) to Ashley Heath/St Ives, Dorset.
- 2013 - Reptile survey of the A338 Bournemouth Spur Road - Hurn to Ashley, Dorset.
- 2012 - Monitoring of translocated sand lizard population - Plumley Heath, Ringwood Forest, Dorset.
- 2011 - Monitoring of translocated sand lizard population, Ringwood Forest, Dorset. Monitoring of translocated reptiles at Merritown Heath and Chapel Lane, Hurn, Dorset. Licence negotiations and ongoing monitoring of A338 verges.
- 2009-2010 - Reptile capture and translocation from 17km of road verges using 11,000 artificial refugia. Over 2,000 reptiles moved, including sand lizards and smooth snakes under EPS mitigation licence. Creation of a new sand lizard population. Management advice and monitoring of receptor sites at Merritown Heath, Chapel Lane and Ringwood Forest - A338 Spur Road major maintenance works, Ashley Heath Junction to Blackwater Junction, Dorset.
- 2009 - Reptile survey along 21km of road verges. Preparation of Natural England EPS licence, mitigation advice, receptor site identification, landowner negotiations - A338 Spur Road major maintenance works, Ashley Heath Junction to Cooper Dean Roundabout, Dorset.